What are bookkeeping services?
Bookkeeping is a very general term and has many different definitions kind of like a handyman. Some handyman can repair everything from HVAC to plumbing… Read More »What are bookkeeping services?
Bookkeeping is a very general term and has many different definitions kind of like a handyman. Some handyman can repair everything from HVAC to plumbing… Read More »What are bookkeeping services?
There continues to be a lot of conflicting information regarding the different programs associated with the CARES Act. We will continue to update this post… Read More »How to Account for CARES Act Money – PPP and EID, Loans, Grants, Advances
In this video I explain how to create a 13 week Cash Flow Template, Customer Forecast and AR Forecast. I also share lots of good… Read More »How to Create a 13 Week Cash Forecast